Dataplus provides solutions and services in the whole range from Traditional Business Intelligence to Big Data Analytics with its HQ located in Cairo, Egypt.Working with Dataplus our customers can benefit from our experience, capability and commitment to helping them make better business decisions, delivering immediacy, clarity and insight through specific and actionable information.
You’re already using reports to make decisions. Now it’s time to take things to the next level and become an agile, insights-driven organization. Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence give you easy access to data without burdening IT, so you can unleash the curiosity that lies within your business and uncover new ways to generate revenue and cut costs.
Our deep domain experience is hundreds of years and our coverage of the various industries like Retail, Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Travel and Transportation, Telecommunications, Healthcare & Life sciences helps you formulate the enterprise wide BI strategy keeping firm focus on your business outcomes.
Our dedicated and comprehensive professional services and support teams work tirelessly with our customers to quickly and effectively define and realize clear business benefits from their investment and faith in Intelligent Solutions.
At the heart of every organization is its data. And Data is a strategic asset that has to be managed. We are providing Data Management solutions that has enabled organisations gain insight into their data, helping them make better informed decisions in the process, and leading them to experience growth.